
Instrument: Keyboard (Korg Triton, Novation's A-Station)
instrument: keyboards (Korg Triton, Novation's A-Station)
Beinamen: Possessed Sorceress
alias: Possessed Sorceress
Geburtsdatum: 16.3.
date of birth: 16.3.
Motto: Be AWAre
Lady Awa Paysant kam im Herbst 2005 durch Vermittlung von Kita zur Band. Sie ersetzte die Ex-Keyboarderin Enary. Awa spielt seit ihrem 5. Lebensjahr Klavier und sie spielt seit ihrer Jugend Keyboard.
Lady Awa Paysant joined the band in the autumn 2005 by the arrangement of Kita. She came to compensate the ex-keyboarder Enary. Awa plays piano since she was 5 years old and she plays since her child-hood keyboards. |
Lordi @ RTL & Kita
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